Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sweet Walnut Bread +

The basic recipe is in my bread machine's instruction booklet. I took a chance and added to it. That's risky with bread because so much depends on the chemical reactions of the yeast and the other ingredients. An ingredient that deactivates the yeast in any way can make the result more suitable for a doorstop than a sandwich or toast. This time, though, it worked.

Sweet Walnut Bread with Banana

1 cup water
1 1/2 Tablespoons oil
2 1/4 Tablespoons sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 1/2 Tablespoons dry milk
3 cups bread flour
1 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast

Add all ingredients to bread machine as directed in your instruction booklet, of course. Do this part by the book.
At the beep, add 1/2 cup walnuts and 1 mashed banana. Daisy's tip: place sliced walnuts (or any nuts) in a small zipper bag and crush them with a meat tenderizer or rolling pin.

When bread machine's cycle is finished, remove loaf and set on cooling rack for an hour - or less, if your family is hungry. Slice, then serve.

I'm tempted to add raisins or dried cranberries to this bread. Maybe next time I don't have a ripe banana handy, that'll be the day we try a new bread!


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Blogger Flea said...

So you like your bread machine? I'm afraid that if I had one, my hips would be too wide to fit through standard doorways.

3/31/2009 9:26 PM  
Blogger ChefDruck said...

You're inspiring me to dig my bread machine out of the basement, dust it off and get it going again. It hasn't gotten much use since our first year of marriage, but I so loved that warm bread smell.

4/02/2009 10:46 PM  
Anonymous jodi said...

This sounds good! My bread machine intimidates me, so I bake mine in the oven instead. :)

4/04/2009 4:29 PM  

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