Monday, March 02, 2009

Read Across America

Dr. Seuss' birthday was March 2nd, and school across the USA choose this day to commemorate his genius and the fun of reading. In honor of the "Doc" and his work, here are my favorite facts about Ted Geisel, a.k.a. Dr. Seuss.

1. His first book was rejected by 27 publishers before someone was wise enough to pick it up. Take about patience! The man never gave up.
2. Dr. Suess worked hard. His book ideas that came by accident, such as Horton Lays an Egg, happened while he was at his desk brainstorming.
3. His books were not fluff; he incorporated serious issues into many of his creations.
4. The good Doctor questioned the status quo. When given a list of words he was to use in an Easy Reader, he realized the list was woefully inadequate and moved beyond it, creating the now classic The Cat in the Hat.
5. Above all, Dr. Seuss realized that reading should be fun. His stories inspired children to read and keep reading, to enjoy their books and improve their reading skills at the same time.

To really honor the man's memory, I need to act on these concepts, not just restate them every year on March 2nd. In keeping with my own personal Action goal and with Read Across America, here goes.

1. It's time to look at crafting another professional article. My last one was published over a year ago. I have several ideas floating around my head; it's time to rough draft a few and settle on the best choice to complete and submit. In other news, I set a goal of adding to my poetry blog at least once a week. I've posted Haiku Friday most weeks, and occasionally added another. I missed when I was sick; well, there are priorities.
2. Frustration often stops me in my tracks. Frustration with student behavior, lack of resources, budget cuts, and more, all get in the way. I need to get back to good old-fashioned hard work, set aside what I can't do, and focus on that which I can.
3. Important issues? I spent time and money (mostly time) on supporting candidates that I believed would make a difference. Now that they're in office (Yes! We can!) I need to keep writing and calling and reminding them of their responsibilities to the constituents, the people who need them.
4. See #3.
5. The best motivator is often enjoyment. In this category, I'll keep reading. I read for fun, for reviews, for my profession. I keep passing on magazines to my daughter so she can read the most fascinating pieces. Amigo and I will continue to sit out on our swing when the weather gets better, and sit on the couch and read for fun when the weather is cold. Tales of Beedle the Bard is waiting for us.

Happy Anniversary of your birth, Ted. Theodore Seuss Geisel, the man who revolutionized reading. We celebrate in the best way: by reading, reading, and reading more.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, a day to be celebrated in every school!

3/02/2009 10:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How wonderful that you're not only celebrating Dr. Seuss, but you're drawing inspiration from him! That's definitely the way he would want to be honored. (Btw, my 8-YO told me how lucky I am to share my birthday with Dr. Suess, and then said "He's almost as famous as Abraham Lincoln! But in a different way.")

3/03/2009 8:57 AM  

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