Thursday, March 12, 2009

Book to self connections.

As kids learn to read the words and understand the content, we help them move beyond the basic levels of comprehension by making connections: Book to self, book to book, and book to world.

Sometimes that spills over into my pleasure reading. I was reading Revolutionary Road and as poor Frank Wheeler faced his desk at work I could envision my own. He had an inbox, an outbox, and a stack of papers he referred to as "...stack of things he couldn't face."

Mine are more of a to-do and a ta-dah! basket, with the anything in the ta-dah! basket heading directly to its destination. Sounds efficient, right? Well, maybe. But I still have a "...stack of things I can't face..." sitting next to the computer. In addition, the actual to-do basket has to wait until the planning and grading are done.

Eventually, it all gets caught up, and I can go home and read again.

If I read enough Harry Potter, maybe I'll find a wand that will help me vanish the stack of things I can't face.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have that stack, too. I love that phrase.

3/12/2009 8:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rabbits seem like cool house pets. Do they learn to use a litter box? Do you have to walk them? Do you have to sweep and mop often because of them? When my family had a rabbit back in pre-history, it stayed in a pen in the garage, and indoor rabbits I meet these days seem always to be caged. What are the hazards of free-range rabbits indoors?

3/13/2009 10:49 PM  

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