Thursday, February 26, 2009

Not exactly a slow news day

Several years ago I had a bad sinus and ear infection. I remember watching the fall of Baghdad on CNN. I couldn't hear a thing, thanks to my fluid-filled head, but I saw the huge statue of Saddam come down and its head get dragged through the streets. Nothing that dramatic is happening today -- or so I hope.

Morning news highlights:
Local street to be reconstructed with six, count 'em, 6 roundabouts. Excessive? Merchants on the street think so.
National news is more sobering. Chairman of the FDIC talks about how 'nationalizing' banks doesn't necessarily mean the gov't will take over and run them.
Reviews of the Miracle on the Hudson continue to repeat how lucky everyone was, how professionally the crew reacted, and how the people on the plane and on the ground and in the river did everything they could - and it worked.
North Korea is launching a rocket. They won't say what's on it, and that's more cause for concern.
Mardi Gras goes on, and that's a positive. People in the USA need opportunities to celebrate.

Watching this kind of thing doesn't help me get healthier, even when I balance bad news with good. I'm glad the extent of our local news is the decisions on roundabouts and traffic lights. Stress and anxiety certainly must lower the power of my immune system.
I think I'll flip the channel to the Food Network. Rachael Ray's making chili and hash browns with grated cheddar cheese! Yum!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the roundabouts making headlines is kind of soothing after all the bad news about layoffs and weather and drunk drivers.

2/26/2009 12:19 PM  

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