Who's your role model?
1) Pick your favorite number between 1-9.
2) Multiply by 3
3) Add 3
4) Multiply by 3 again (I'll wait while you get the calculator....)
5) You'll get a 2 digit number....
6) Add the digits together to obtain your score.
Now scroll down to find out what your score means.
I'll go get a cup of coffee while I wait for you to interpret your results.

Keep scrolling (I had to keep the answers under the fold in case you're one of those people: the people who will skew the math to match the result they want).

Now with that number see who your ROLE MODEL is from the list below :
1. Barack Obama
2. Michelle Obama
3. Condoleeza Rice
4. Brett Favre
5. Brad Pitt
6. Dara Torres
7. Oprah Winfrey
8. Ellen DeGeneres
9. Daisy of Compost Happens
10. Katie Couric
P.S. Stop picking different numbers.
Labels: Random Thoughts

My role model is a carrot in Denmark. :D
That's awesome, and I may have to steal that for my own site, editing it for my own diabolical purposes. :)
Have a Happy New Year!!
Hey… you're my role model. I'll have to be extra good this next year to try and live up to your good name.
Have a great and Happy New Year!!
Did you ever know that you're my hero? You're everything I wish I could be. I could fly higher than an eagle. You are the wind beneath my wings.
Daisy! You're my new role model.
haha you are a great role model. :)
Hadn't checked in for a while... now I'm concerned you now about the shrine dedicated to you that I built next to my compost heap. What I want to know: how are you spying on me?
Hahah! Love it!
I also stole it :-)
I may have to steal this one - and you are a fine role model! Happy New Year!
You're right - you are!
Ha ha, and thanks for visiting me. You make a great role model. Happy New Year!
Um, i got ellen, and am really mad i didn't get Brett Favre. Also, it's clearly all a lie.
Why are YOU everyone else's? is there some kind of trick where everyone is supposed to get your number?
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