Thursday, November 06, 2008

I just can't hide it!

It seemed no one was blogging. My online friends were all on Twitter or Plurk. Husband was at work (when you're in the media, election night is a worknight), Amigo was doing homework, and La Petite was also working. We text messaged through the main events. As one state after another turned to blue on the map and the electoral vote total grew on Obama's side, we sent each other texts that grew shorter and more and more exciting. When it was all over and she had finished putting the school newspaper into print and online, she emailed me and called the whole experience "... amazing. It's going to be one of those 'I remember where I was, who I was with, and what I was doing when I found out that Obama was elected as our 44th president' type moments." But will she remember that she was part of the process? Attending a rally in June, talking to her friends, providing pictures of Senator Obama to the paper (and to her mother's blog!) and talking to her friends about campaign issues made a difference, as did her vote.

Voters of all ages and all political stripes cared enough to volunteer, to operate the phones, to write checks, to put signs in their yards. Poll lines were long. I was #21 in my ward, in line when it opened. Husband was #121 less than forty minutes later. The passion of this election grew and grew and grew until it became more than a million people in Grant Park, others in the streets outside the White House and in storefronts turned Party Headquarters across the country.

I don't remember ever seeing this much excitement around an election. It isn't a Super Bowl, a Stanley Cup, a World Series or a Madison Halloween party. It's a Presidential Election! And from now on, that sentence will never be the same.

It's a Presidential Election that made history. Best voter turnout in forty years of a century, depending on your source. Record money raised and spent, although that can be taken as a positive or a negative. Record number of early voters by absentee ballot.

And the most important record of all: the American electorate finally crossed the racial line and elected a young, intelligent, articulate, and forward thinking man. And in the process, America elected Barack Obama the first African-American President of the United States.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so excited to listen to obama's voice--his intelligent sentences and thoughts, too--over the next 4 years. Currently, I cringe when I hear the Current Occupant on the airwaves--but thank God,that's not terribly often anymore.

11/06/2008 9:06 AM  
Blogger Earth Muffin said...

It was an amazing night. I was just sitting at home on my couch as the results unfolded, but it was one of the most exciting nights I've ever spent watching TV! My husband and I just sat there holding hands, both with goosebumps on our arms, listening to his speech, our smiles growing bigger with each word he uttered. WOW! I'm proud of our country!

11/06/2008 4:40 PM  
Blogger Miss Melissa said...

I feel so hopeful about the direction our country is going. I love it!

I also want to put a screwdriver into my ex-boyfriend's tires for the name he called me, but hopeful feels better so that's the way I'ma go instead. :)

11/06/2008 9:08 PM  
Blogger Joy said...

he's the first American President who also happens to be an African American ;)

11/07/2008 5:37 PM  

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