Working Mother, also known as Multi-Tasker
Make coffee.
Feed rabbit.
Read paper and have breakfast.
Chase rabbit out of La Petite's room.
Check email, Twitters, and Plurks.
Empty dishwasher.
Sort dirty laundry. Start washing laundry.
Reload dishwasher. Again (is that redundant?).
Take out compost. Pick tomatoes. Search unsuccessfully for squirrel Husband reported was lost in garden and couldn't get out.
Find recipe; bake muffins. Contemplate posting new variation on recipe. Print carrot cake recipe; potential use for extra carrots, now that two bunnies are gone to live with La Petite at her school apartment.
Continue laundry process while cleaning kitchen while muffins are baking.
Lunch: BLTs with L & T from garden. We'll miss this when the first major frost comes!
Remove muffins from oven. Mmmmm.
Clean kitchen (again), continue laundry cycles (still), and start schoolwork.
Browse two books scavenged from Throw Away table in lounge. Sort out and copy several usable ideas for vocabulary instruction, math centers, readers' workshop, and more. Recycle the rest. Teaching budgets, like all state funded budgets, will get more stringent before they're more generous. Creative scavengers spend time, but save money. Maybe I can apply that to my own life and budget as well.
Grade penmanship papers, using star stickers scavenged from Throw Away table.
Continue laundry process (still, yet, again).
Take out recycling. How many cans and bottles can we generate in half a day? No, don't answer that.
Fill snack basket. Remind self to bake cookies or bars. Look for easy and nutritious snack recipe.
Move old recipes to new box (scavenged, of course). Recycle old cards, recipes no longer current, and good intentions.
Correct and grade vocabulary worksheets and spelling tests.
Fold a load of clean laundry: the end is in sight!
Post three more books to and hope someone will want or need them.
Fold more underwear and socks, my least favorite load. Amigo says "Underwear! You said underwear!" I say, "Put a sock in it, Buster."
Wonder if I should text message Husband, who took his bike to the library, and tell him it's getting cloudy and the storm is moving in. Nah. He'll say I was worrying too much and whining at him. Let him get wet; he won't melt.
Check on status of washer, fill dryer, and start planning supper, all in a few moments' time.
Make supper, feed family, clean kitchen, make soup stock for freezer (and future), take break to watch baseball team lose. Again.
Fold yet more clothes, back up Husband as he censors Amigo's choice of tunes on YouTube, finish wiping down kitchen table.
Drop off Amigo at Homecoming dance. Do the weekly grocery shopping, this time with two to three weeks in mind because of increasingly busy work schedules. Gawk at huge bill. Wonder who eats all this?!
Go home. Put away food. Decide that the storms can move in, pandemic flu can shut down the city, and we could still feed the family.
Pick up Amigo at dance, exhausted but happy.
Tomorrow? I'm getting tired just thinking of it.
Labels: family life, Random Thoughts, teachers live at school, the coffeepot's on
Stumble It!
wow! Good luck with that one! :)
First frost arrived here a while we're done with gardens for the year. *mark that one off my list too*
btw...when are the cookies going to be ready? :P
have a great weekend!
Sounds like an easy day. Just kidding!!!! Congratulations on doing so much!
have I told you how jealous I am of you lately. I am. So there.
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