Monday, October 27, 2008

Recipe for changing the dynamics of blogreading

Chuck Westbrook posted an interesting idea last week for bringing bloggers and readers together. Here's the basic outline:

**THE BIG IDEA**: Ending the Tragedy of Under-Appreciated Blogs

This is a problem we can do something about without too much trouble. Here’s what I’m thinking.
Gather some nice bloggers who believe in helping good content rise. The more the merrier. This becomes our group for the project.
A good, lesser-known blog is chosen. Everyone in the group will read that blog for two weeks.
At the end of the two weeks, the group moves to another blog to read.
With scores of bloggers focused on a particular blog, the author should see many nice things happen over those two weeks, especially if the blog really is a hidden gem. This includes discussions, traffic, constructive criticism, encouragement, and connecting to some of the bloggers in the group. That author then joins the group and we move along and do it again.
Imagine how it would feel to have those numbers and those people looking at your blog after it’s been frustratingly quiet for months. It would be tremendous. That blogger would be permanently bolstered, and it would all be because of the strength of their content, and anything that allows bloggers that focus fully on content to succeed is great for the medium.

If you'd like to participate, go to Chuck's blog and sign up. I plan to join in and find some new blogs to add to my daily reading list.
I'd love to welcome his clan to read Compost Happens, too! I'll serve cake! Or cookies! Or homemade tomato soup!

Note: I've fixed the link to Chuck's blog, and Chuck stopped by with the permalink. Thanks for alerting me to this mistake!


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a cool idea.

10/27/2008 10:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Daisy,

Great idea. Looks like the html link to Chuck's blog is not working though.


10/27/2008 12:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Good Idea

Could you post the site address since the link isn't working :D

10/27/2008 2:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the write-up and promotion--I appreciate it!

This should be the direct link:

Make sure you leave a note in the comments reminding me that you linked to the site so that I include this blog among the candidates for the first visit!

10/27/2008 8:16 PM  
Blogger Minnesota Matron said...

The Matron's signing up!

10/28/2008 9:27 PM  
Blogger anymommy said...

What a great idea, thanks for posting about it.

10/29/2008 12:12 AM  
Blogger Lela said...

Interesting. I'll check out Chuck's blog now for more details. Thanks!

10/29/2008 11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a handy idea. Thanks for highlighting it. I'm going to take a look.

10/29/2008 2:11 PM  

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