Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Savory meatballs, spaghetti, and chunky spaghetti sauce

Ellen Degeneres had Heidi Klum on as a guest to make meatballs. Of course! That's what Heidi Klum does best, right? When I looked up the recipe, I said to myself, "Self, these are almost exactly the meatballs you already make. The only major difference is that Heidi uses half beef and half pork." I had about a pound and a half of ground sirloin (on sale last weekend!), so I decided not to tarnish it with pork, but to make incredibly delicious meatballs Daisy style and top them off with a chunky marinara sauce.
I cheat on the sauce - a little. I use spaghetti sauce in a jar. But to make it chunky, my garden coughs up a few goodies. I wash off the garden ingredients, saute them, and add them to the jarred sauce.

Daisy's Home Style Meatballs
1 lb. to 1 1/2 lb. ground beef (or turkey or pork, if you wish)
1 egg
1 slice of bread, cubed
assorted herbs, fresh (I use basil, thyme, and rosemary)

Mix bread, egg, and herbs. Let sit until the bread absorbs the liquid.
Add ground beef. Mix with hands or forks until the bread and egg mixture is thoroughly absorbed.
Let sit in refrigerator until ready to cook.
Use spoons or small scoop ( I love my small scoop for meatballs and cookies and more!) to drop into pan. Turn frequently until done.
Serve with spaghetti and chunky sauce with a salad on the side.
Oh, the sauce ingredients? That varies with the season. This week it was green pepper, green onion, and spinach. Yes, they ate it and pronounced it good.

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Blogger Cheryl said...

Since we started only cooking vegetarian meals at home, I got creative with my spaghetti sauce. I still used jarred sauce, but I add chopped zucchini and summer squash, sliced fresh mushrooms, and chopped red and green pepper. It really is fantastic with Newman's Own Sockarooni Sauce.

8/05/2008 9:11 AM  
Blogger Jill said...

That sounds delish! I hate making meatballs -- don't like the squishiness of the meat in my fingers. But I love to eat them!!

8/05/2008 9:12 AM  
Blogger Scribbit said...

So now you're making meatballs like a supermodel. I feel so inadequate :)

8/05/2008 11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I am totally doing meatballs with my scoop next time. DUH! The part I hated was the making the balls!!! Thanks for the tip.

8/05/2008 11:46 AM  
Blogger Margaret Cloud said...

I tried your meatballs, great, thanks , I like your blog site, keep up the good work.

8/06/2008 12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How often does Heidi Klum eat anything, much less meatballs?

8/06/2008 7:37 PM  

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