Monday, May 26, 2008

It's not over 'till it's over.

Why Hillary should stay in the race even though she is in second place

1. If she drops out now, she'll look like a quitter. Despite her courage and energy in mounting the campaign, despite her success in raising campaign funds, despite being seen as a favored candidate -- the media will call her a loser. A quitter. They'll be wrong, but they'll say it.

2. If she drops out before the convention, the press will play on the perception of the "gracious woman, giving way to the man." Bleh. Gag. Aren't we over that 50s era sexism?!

3. In the celebration of the first viable African-American candidate, the public will forget that the first viable female candidate also made history.

4. Staying in until the end shows her strength, her tenacity, her energy. In politics, this can only be good.

5. Staying in the race until the convention means the record will show her success in delegate numbers rather than her presence as a dropout. Numbers talk, sing, and dance.

6. And it's not over until the Viking lady sings, either.

(For a related post, check out Julie's post at MOMocrats discussing her latest advice for Senator Clinton.)


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree! The Democratic Party is going to have to find a way to embrace whichever candidate comes out on top, so we may as well see where this goes. :)

5/26/2008 4:33 PM  
Blogger Margaret Cloud said...

I agree Hillary should stay the course it is the right thing to do. She has fought the good fight 100%, she really deserves to win.

5/26/2008 4:44 PM  
Blogger Mocha said...

The question my family keeps bringing up during dinner (and THUS ruining dinner!) is that she may be squandering a chance as a running mate. I'm not going to make mashed potatoes again because they ended up on the wall last week during that discussion.

5/26/2008 6:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well said.

5/27/2008 3:34 PM  

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