No, it's not a commercial for what's in my wallet. Over on
Work it, Mom, there's a contest with a great prize: a
Veronica London Business Tote. I took a picture of my schoolbag with its contents, and patted myself on the back for not having to clean out a pile of junk.
Just for fun, I thought I'd share.
From the left, moving clockwise:
binder of overhead transparencies (for planning the week's writing workshop)
folder of above transparencies in need of copying first thing Monday morning
nice note from former student
assorted pens and pencils, highlighter advertising credit union
star stickers
tri-fold containing instructions for using automated substitute - finder system
jump drive (containing templates for substitute plans, among other files)
social studies papers awaiting correction
calendar (with bunny pictures on cover)
Winnie-the-Pooh folder containing phone tree, research articles, and coupons for school supplies
inhaler (rarely needed, but when I do need it, I can't wait)
wrist splint (darn district database is not teacher-friendly; I feel physical, not emotional, pain after entering my class' scores)
and the bag itself, a bargain I found in the luggage dept. two years ago
As I looked over this picture and listed the contents, I felt good about the absence of "junk" in the bag. I've learned to be realistic with my workload on weekends and only bring home that which I can really accomplish. Any more, and I bring home a heavy bag that puts strain on my back and stretches my guilt reflex. I also feel good about both the green and the frugal elements shown here. The binder and both folders are re-used. The jump drive was a piece of swag Husband brought home from a work event. The stickers were donated to the school, and I picked up a good stack for classroom use. I paid (sale price) for the calendar, and then La Petite helped me personalize it with bunny photos. The messenger bag, after being marked down once and then on clearance at 70% off, ended up costing me $6. Yes, $6.
And contrary to the evidence below, Buttercup does not go to school with me.

Labels: bunnies bunnies everywhere, teachers live at school
Stumble It!
You're much more organized than I am.
My bag for work has all sorts of stuff in it-CD's of cases that I pull up to review with residents, print outs of articles that I mean to file at work (but never seem to get around to, jump drives with who knows what on them, journals that I haven't read yet, cables for the computer for when I travel, and a bunch of fuzzie stuff at the bottom.
I guess I need to go thru it and do my semi-annual cleaning.
Thanks for the inspiration! New Year - clean purse! I like it.
Nice! Love the rabbit pics on the calendar cover!
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