Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Politics? Already?

I haven't made up my mind yet because I have six weeks before our primary, but I did, just out of curiousity, check out a presidential matching quiz site. I'm still looking into real information, but if you're interested, you can see your "best match" candidate by clicking on the link on the bottom.

My results are as follows. I'm not surprised it's all blue on top. I didn't specify a party affiliation, but my priorities at this time line up better with the Democrats than with the Republicans. When asked to rate how much I cared about each issue, I usually clicked high on the scale. That's not surprising either; I tend to be passionate about issues that matter to me. Heck, I even blog about them sometimes!

92% Barack Obama
91% John Edwards
90% Chris Dodd
88% Hillary Clinton
86% Joe Biden
78% Bill Richardson
77% Mike Gravel
76% Dennis Kucinich
50% Rudy Giuliani
36% John McCain
34% Tom Tancredo
31% Mitt Romney
28% Mike Huckabee
19% Fred Thompson
15% Ron Paul

2008 Presidential Candidate Matching Quiz


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Blogger Flea said...

That was in interesting quiz. My highest match was still only 78%, but I tend to be more cautious and didn't often mark high. My results were the flip of yours, though. :)

1/08/2008 4:42 PM  
Blogger Amy W said...

I will have to do this at home tonight...the site was blocked at work.

1/09/2008 12:06 PM  
Blogger Sheila said...

I took this quiz in fun and answered specifically to the fitting of the republican party, but it still showed the highest matches as Democrat. Since my quasi test and everyone's matches keep coming up this way, I am convinced that the merit in it is only one of humor.

1/11/2008 8:00 PM  

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