Sunday, December 16, 2007

Oh, the weather outside is...

Margalit of What was I Thinking and Mid-Century Modern Moms made me laugh yesterday. Boston has been snowed in, big time, and she talked about the French Toast Alert system. I had to smile. According to Margalit,
"the three items grocery stores continually run out of when a big storm is
announced are bread, milk,
and eggs
. What can you make with those three items? Why, French Toast!
Clever, it is not?"
She even has French Toast Alert t-shirts! She grinds her own coffee beans, too, but that's another story.
I can identify with this philosophy because a) I live in Wisconsin; b) I stock up when a storm is threatening; c) I stock up when the flu season is threatening; and d) I like French toast. When the kids were young and we had very little money, I made French toast often. It was easy and it was cheap. Bread from the day-old bakery store, eggs (on sale if possible), and a little milk, and we had a meal. Breakfast, brunch, or lunch, the family liked it and it was a piece of cake to make. Er, sorry for the mixed metaphor.
My shopping list today also includes ingredients for my annual Gifts in a Jar. I plan to give my co-workers brownie or cookies mixes in canning jars, all nicely wrapped in a (re-used, of course) pretty gift bag. It's more time-intensive than costly, and my co-teachers will all enjoy the sentiment and the gift itself.
In summary (I'm teaching essay format in Writers' Workshop right now, can you tell?), the grocery list today will include bread, eggs, milk, and basic baking supplies. Whether the weather be fair or whether the weather be stormy, I'm ready.

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Blogger Maddy said...

You've just reminded me of all I need to do to play catch up.
best wishes

This is my calling card or link"Whittereronautism"until blogger comments get themselves sorted out.

12/16/2007 10:46 AM  
Blogger Tania said...

Hey! We're burried in snow today - at least I know what to make for dinner now.

12/16/2007 12:55 PM  

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