Saturday, November 24, 2007

Signs of a Wisconsin Thanksgiving

1. There's a real turkey feather on the fireplace mantle (from MIL's backyard).
2. My brother and my daughter are both wearing Packer gear (see below).
3. Appetizers include cheese, of course.
4. There's a radio in the kitchen so the cooks don't miss any of The Game (You knew that, I'm sure).
5. The lawn hasn't been raked yet, but there's a dusting of snow on the leaves.

The turkey was terrific. The pies were perfect. The Packers won. Really, who could ask for anything more?

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Blogger Sheila said...

Sounds great! The Packer slipper/shoes are a nice touch!

11/24/2007 2:29 PM  
Blogger Pieces of Me said...

Sonds like you're all set now for winter!

11/24/2007 9:21 PM  

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