Thursday, November 29, 2007

funday -- Thursday?

Reasons I predict the Packers to win tonight:

  • Favre hasn't won yet in Dallas. It's time. (Remember KC? Same thing.)
  • Youth and good health (receiving corps) + Experience (quarterback) = Win
  • Al Harris vs. T.O. -- Harris is all talent, no ego. 'Nuff said.
  • Packers are looking much better than they did at Chicago, their only loss.
  • Mason Crosby's kicks have come through in a pinch -- several pinches, in fact.
  • Tony Romo grew up idolizing Brett Favre. Beat his idol? No way.
  • And the final reason: It's just a game, after all. And the Packers enjoy it and play it very, very well.
And as to the other "game" tonight, the NFL Network vs. Home Town Fans: we'll leave the outcome to you, executives. But remember: Lambeau Field has been sold out for decades, not just years. We don't even know what television blackouts are in Wisconsin. Packer fans have gone to the legislature, for heaven's sake, to preserve their right to watch the games.
So without further ado, I'm going to pop a pizza in the oven and reach for my cheesehead.

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Blogger Club 166 said...

Sorry for your loss (to Dallas, not to Chicago).

If Brett wasn't injured, he'd probably led a comeback.


11/29/2007 11:17 PM  
Blogger Judy Merrill Larsen said...

Hey Daisy--Once you recover from the pall of Brett's injury and the Packer loss, I tagged you with the middle name meme.

11/30/2007 7:45 AM  

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