Friday, July 20, 2007

Blog Blast with a Cause

iBakeSale is a unique new fundraising option for people who shop online. It's simple; sign up, designate a charity or nonprofit group, and then shop. When you're shopping your favorite online merchants, go through iBakeSale in order to funnel funds their way.

I've become a regular online shopper, and for safety's sake I tend to stick to vendors and merchants I know. This list of links appeals to be because it includes well-known names such as Lands' End. Linens and Things. Delia's (a favorite of my college-age daughter). NFL Pro Shop, too (as if I needed more Green Bay Packer clothing!).The list goes on and on, and in fact can be intimidating in its length, so I prefer to click on "Select Category" and get a more focused display.

Now, here's the fund-raising part. Click on "Select an Organization" to direct your donations to a meaningful source. I chose the Wisconsin Lions Foundation in Rosholt, Wisconsin because my blind son spends a very happy week at Lions Camp every summer and our local Lions have been very generous whenever we've asked for assistance. (They make great buffalo burgers at Octoberfest, too, but that's a matter of personal taste. Yum.)

Here goes. To join iBakeSale, click here. Create an account, and then choose a group for your donations. I'd love it if you'd choose the Wisconsin Lions Foundation, but I hope you'll look for other groups that are close to your heart. You can sign up a new organization, such as your children's school PTA, as well. Go for it, folks; sign up before you start your Christmas shopping!

Please note: There is a prize involved for the blogger who gets the most sign-ups by August 7. My readership is small, so I'm not expecting to win. The only benefit for me would be to see people sign up to send a bit of their shopping money toward a good cause. I do not earn money through this post.

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Blogger The Tour Marm said...

Thanks for the tip!

I'll forward this over to some of my schools that are trying to raise funds for their East Coast tour.

7/22/2007 12:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for signing up for iBakeSale. I'm so happy you have found large retailers you know and and the local organization you love to support. Wisconsin Lions Foundation in Rosholt sounds like an amazing community cause that has really enhanced your son's life. iBakeSale was created for this exact reason, to allow people to support a cause they're passionate about in a way that's easy and free. Thank you again for joining iBakeSale and stay in touch!


8/24/2007 3:11 PM  

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