Monday, June 18, 2007

Hope can be fragile

Benjamin "Benjy" Heil went missing Thursday night from his rural home in Saratoga, Wisconsin. Searchers, including local people, officials, and even bloodhounds, have been scouring the area for any sign of him. His footprints were spotted, and someone found a ball that may have been his, but other than that, Benjy has been gone from home in this hot, muggy, stormy weather.
Benjy has autism. He is somewhat nonverbal, from reports, and will not respond to his name. Searchers will have to make visual contact to know they've found him, since he will not answer their calls.
This story is scary on so many counts. Any seven year old is in danger if he's been missing for four days and nights. He is lost in rather unforgiving territory, too. Within walking range of this young boy, last seen barefoot and in shorts and t-shirt, are a campground, woods, and the Wisconsin River, not to mention bogs and marshes.
I keep hoping he's holed up in a doghouse, shed, or hunting cabin. I don't like to think of the river.
Keep searching, people. And Benjy's parents: please keep hoping. I'll be thinking of you and hoping, too.

update: While not precisely good news, at least it's not worse news. Searchers have almost ruled out the possibility of Benji's falling in the river. They believe he's on land.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Daisy! Thank you so much for visiting! :) I think that is the highlight of my little girl's day...getting to ride the bus home. She started school in January and the bus became a very big deal on their first field trip. LOL!

I read the news story about Benjy and it breaks my heart. I am hoping and praying that this family can hold it together and that Benjy is found well and unharmed. {{hugs}}

6/18/2007 1:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just reading about this story here. I just finished the curious incident of the dog in the night-time and have a new understanding of autism. That being said, I hope that Benjy is okay, poor kid.

6/18/2007 7:49 PM  
Blogger someone else said...

Hi Daisy, I just stopped by to say thank you for visiting my blog and leaving your nice comment.

This is a very sad story. I hope the final outcome is a good one.

6/18/2007 10:32 PM  
Blogger Club 166 said...

As my own son is 7 (and has gone "exploring" out of the house in the past), and as I know you are a Wisconsinite, I have been thinking about this case the last couple of days since I heard about it.

It's good that it's warm out, and not winter. I remain hopeful for a good outcome.


6/18/2007 11:37 PM  

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