Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Here's to the ladies who lunch!

I grew up in a district that was an anomaly; we had no hot lunch program. We packed a lunch or went home to eat.
My students eat lunch at school, and very few go home. Since my sixth graders are the oldest students in the elementary building, they have the privilege of 'working' lunch as well. They beg to do this! I like to think it's altruistic on their parts, but I think a large part of the attraction is the thirty minutes of class that they miss when their crew is on duty.
It's definitely a point toward their social status to be able to "work lunch". When the crew needs subs, the kids often take care of it themselves. They'll notice, "Hey, Mrs. Teacher, Mike's absent. Can I work for him?" I have very little to do with the whole picture other than picking the next group off my list of volunteers. These eager kids are learning about work ethic and self-motivation outside of the classroom. It's real learning, and all around lunch.

And here's to the parents who are looking for good child-friendly web sites, too. and are two that may satisfy your taste for safety while fulfilling your kids' appetite for fun. Games, nutrition and fitness suggestions, and fun cartoon art are just a few of the links. There's an email newsletter and a contest or two, and several other information and enjoyable links. I took the quiz to see which TV Mom I most resemble. Carol Brady? Me? Where's my Alice?
Check out School Menu and its parental counterpart Family Everyday, two sites that work together with School Food Services Directors to provide and promote healthy eating and physical fitness for kids and their parents. Enjoy!

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Blogger Believer in Balance said...

Hi Daisy! Thanks for visiting my site. I came by to visit. Thanks for the child friendly websites. I'm always looking for good ones. I've added your site to my link list so I can come back regularly. Maybe you'll do the same for me. Have a good day.

6/06/2007 7:40 AM  
Blogger Scribbit said...

This is the second place I've seen these sites suggested, I must really need to check them out!

6/07/2007 1:07 AM  

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