Compost Happens is a personal blog: part family, part garden, part crunchy green eco-writer. I'm Daisy, and I'm the groundskeeper here. I take care of family, garden, and coffee, when I'm not teaching and doing laundry.
I was baking a cake and preparing a meatloaf. I took both out of the oven and proceeded to make frosting. Next I started frosting -- both the cake AND the meatloaf.
Then I woke up.
I have no idea what kind of frosting tastes good on a meatloaf or why on earth I'd be frosting one. There may be some subliminal meaning here -- or not.
Okay, dream analysts, what do you make of this? Never mind; I probably don't want to know.
I'd say you're an effective multitasker and given how much ketchup our family uses you could probably frost a cake with ketchup and my kids would eat it :)
From a pure dream analysis point of view, I'd have to say your subconscious is telling you to take a break and really consider the options before you. Multi-tasking in your life is awesome, but sometimes, projects get neglected or end up messed up because you didn't devote your full attention to it.
On a lighter note... Why would you bake a cake at the same time as a meatloaf in the same oven? Icky. But ditto to scribbit on the ketchup thing. One of our proudest moments as parents was when our son learned how to dip his chicken nuggets and french fries in the ketchup. Now he'll eat anything I put in front of him... if it has ketchup nearby to dip it in if he doesn't like the au natural taste.
Wow! Thanks, all of you, analysts or not. Maybe you should keep your day jobs! However, I think the multi-tasking reference is apt. I do that a lot, certainly too much. I think I'll pass on the ketchup frosting, and the next cake I bake will probalby be rhubarb. :)
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Ketchup and vanilla frosting on a meatloaf sounds pretty good to me!
Ha! About the same as me dead heading the turkey and stuffing the roses! I just don't want to know!
I'd say you're an effective multitasker and given how much ketchup our family uses you could probably frost a cake with ketchup and my kids would eat it :)
From a pure dream analysis point of view, I'd have to say your subconscious is telling you to take a break and really consider the options before you. Multi-tasking in your life is awesome, but sometimes, projects get neglected or end up messed up because you didn't devote your full attention to it.
On a lighter note... Why would you bake a cake at the same time as a meatloaf in the same oven? Icky. But ditto to scribbit on the ketchup thing. One of our proudest moments as parents was when our son learned how to dip his chicken nuggets and french fries in the ketchup. Now he'll eat anything I put in front of him... if it has ketchup nearby to dip it in if he doesn't like the au natural taste.
Wow! Thanks, all of you, analysts or not. Maybe you should keep your day jobs! However, I think the multi-tasking reference is apt. I do that a lot, certainly too much. I think I'll pass on the ketchup frosting, and the next cake I bake will probalby be rhubarb. :)
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