Spring Break reading and rain
Frivolous is fun. Frivolous is good. It means a book that makes me smile -- a book that I'm not obliged to read, but I read just for me. Spring break is a great time for books like this, and Gigi Anders' Men may come, and men may go, but I’ve still got my Little Pink Raincoat fits the category perfectly.
Priorities. It’s all about priorities. Gigi Anders tells a great story – several, in fact, - connecting fashion with life, specific fashion pieces with the men in her life, the quest for the perfect raincoat with the quest for (you guessed it) the quest for Mr. Right.
The quests made for my favorite parts of the book. Call all over the country for the perfect coat in just the right size? Done that. Dream of the perfect pair of shoes and refuse to go out until they turn up? Done that, too. Covet and eventually buy an overpriced pair of earrings to attract the perfect man? Well, no, I haven’t, but I can totally understand her motivation when she does. Her taste in clothing, accessories, make-up, and more is impeccable. Her taste in men? You’ll have to read the book to find out. Make reading this book a priority – just like that little black dress or the perfect little pink raincoat.
Labels: Random Thoughts, shopping, So many books: So little time
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I love a good book recommendation. It shall go on the list.
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