Saturday, March 24, 2007

A Working Saturday

I judged another music festival today. Every time I do this, I come home with stories and quotes. Usually the quote comes from a student performer. Quotes in the past have included: "Let's go find site 25." "Let's go find where there's food!" and "My accompanist is Mrs., um, Mrs., um..." or "An interesting aspect of this piece is that it's short."
Today I was stationed in a classroom normally used for teaching high school English. On festival day, the room gets rearranged and a piano moved in. The judge (me) moves a desk or table to the back of center and holds court there, filling out the criteria form for each performance. In between performers, I stand up and stretch, sip my coffee, chat with the volunteers, read the walls, and generally relax. If there's a comfortable desk chair, I nab it for the day. Today, the walls provided good reading. Besides the standard posters describing the writing process and the basic Six Traits, there were quotes on writing from writers scattered around the room. Here are a few samples.
Writing is easy. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and open a vein. --Red Smith
Journalism allows its readers to witness history. Fiction gives its readers the opportunity to live it. -- source unknown
And my favorite: A critic is a person who knows the way but can't drive the car. -- Kenneth Tynis
That one is going on my desk at school. And look out, people, I can drive just about anything.

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Blogger Maddy said...

Those are all great ones - should give me a little energy boost.
Best wishes

3/25/2007 4:26 PM  
Blogger Daisy said...

I think posting the "critic" quote will keep me smiling. I know my worst critics won't understand it!

3/25/2007 6:13 PM  

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