Thursday, March 01, 2007

Seuss on the loose -- the doctor is in

I know it's a day early. Dr. Seuss' birthday is tomorrow. But for a Love Thursday post, what better way to honor his memory but to celebrate reading? Here are the answers to the trivia I posed earlier this week.

If the answer's not right, it's an oversight.
My files are at school, so memory's my tool.
I'll make any changes in reasonable ranges
After I check on your source, of course.

1. How many words did Dr. Seuss use in writing The Cat in the Hat?
2. Name one of Dr. Seuss' rare non-rhyming books.
The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins
Bartholomew and the Oobleck
(Are there more? Let me know if you know of another Sr. Seuss book sans rhyme.)
3. The fox in Fox in Socks tries to interest what character in attempting several tongue-twisters?
Fox in Socks and...Knox on Box!
4. What is the name of the little boy in To Think that I saw it on Mulberry Street?
5. (This one's a toughie) Dr. Seuss wrote a poem called "The Perfect Gift." What did he recommend as the perfect gift?
the Fluff-footed frizzle-topped three fingered Zift
6. Name the con man who talks the Sneetches out of their money by removing and attaching stars (upon thars).
Sylvester McMonkey McBean, of course!
7. Dr. Seuss did not illustrate this colorful book, published posthumously.
My Many Colored Days
8. Finish this phrase. "I meant what I said, and I said what I meant. An ____________'s faithful, one hundred percent."
An Elephant: Horton the Elephant, to be specific
9. In The Sneetches and other stories, you'll find a story about a woman who named all her children this.
Dave. The fun part is finding out what she WISHED she'd named them instead.
10. How many hats did young Bartholomew Cubbins inadvertently wear?
Oops, I gave this one away in number 2. He wore 500 hats.

Happy Love Thursday -- and Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss. Thanks for the memories!

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