Who is this Morton guy, and why do I have his neuroma?
I see the podiatrist in ten days. The family doc predicts that I may be facing another surgery -- the third on this foot.
Well, to look on the bright side, it's my left foot. I can still drive. Both of our vehicles have automatic transmissions. Since Clutch + bad left foot = slow healing and more pain, the trade-in of my stick-shift Saturn SL2 was inevitable after my first surgery. Sniff. Sigh.
I hope that the foot doc will be able to handle this through less invasive means, but I won't count on it. With my luck, she'll want to operate sooner rather than later.
Hmmm...maybe I'll need new shoes. Darn.
Labels: family life, Random Thoughts

Ouchie. I don't envy you that. Hope the pain is manageable, at least.
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