Off we go --
I feel tired already.
I always feel a little regretful as I head back into the school routine. It's not as severe as burn-out, but it's a definite down emotion. Part of that down-and-out comes from difficult working conditions with an ever-increasing workload, uncooperative families, and the whirlwind final weeks of this semester. We're going into the second half of our second year without a contract, with no sign of progress anytime soon. If we approve a contract in the next few months, then the negotiations can begin for the next one that starts in July of '07. Yes, you read that right.
I start to feel more upbeat when I'm actually at my desk and getting the day's materials and plans ready. This, to me, is the heart of teaching: knowing the students, taking the curriculum and making it accessible so that they can learn it.
I spent several hours of break correcting and analyzing a pre-test (not fun) so that I know where to focus in the next math chapter. Fractions can be enjoyable; and now that I know what they already know and what they'll need to review and relearn, I can start digging out the more interesting and motivating activities to help them learn it. This is the last year they'll have for a really thorough foundation in fractions, as the middle school math program presumes a solid knowledge base, so I really spend time working toward mastery in this chapter.
There. I feel a little better already. It's not about the bubble tests or the required district assessments; it's about the kids, who they are, how they learn, and how I can teach them.
Early to bed tonight, and then off I go tomorrow, strong coffee in hand, to start 2007.
Labels: teachers live at school

That's a wonderful attitude about teaching math. I was homeschooled for four years in grade scchool, so I wasn't allowed to move on from a topic until I had mastered it. Luckily, I was a quick learner.
Good luck with the back-to-school transition. Feel free to vent about it anytime in your blog.
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