Friday, January 12, 2007

Help put some fun into fundraising

Our PTA is having a basket raffle soon. My class is creating a "basket" along the theme of gardening. Well, short of hoisting my compost bin into the school lobby, I'm a little limited as to donations so far. I'm hoping that a few parents will shop this weekend and start the collection. Blog -readers, oh gentle Internet folk, could you please honor the end of "De-lurking week" with suggestions for a garden basket? I have a few ideas aside from the basic seeds and tools, but I would like to suggest things that families in my class can afford to buy and donate. And fun, of course. Think outside the lines -- and outside the rabbit fencing! No, I can't donate the rubber chicken. It belongs to La Petite.

De-lurking week is sponsored by Sheryl of Paper Napkin. She provided several buttons we can display; I posted the one I liked best.

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Blogger Mary said...

How about some kids' books - The Secret Garden, A Child's Garden of Verses, Ten Little Ladybugs, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, The Giving Tree, Hope for the Flowers? Or grown-up books: Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, The Constant Gardener?

1/12/2007 7:50 PM  
Blogger Mary said...

Or things along a "green" theme - like green tea?

1/14/2007 11:40 AM  
Blogger Daisy said...

Great ideas! I think I'll hit the bookstore -- as soon as the playoff games are over. :)

1/14/2007 3:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No ideas, but I wanted to delurk and say "hi." Better late than never.

1/15/2007 2:50 PM  
Blogger Shinny said...

What about hand soap or lotions that would get the dirt off and then moisturize? Nail brush, garden gloves. Hope I am not too late on my ideas. Good luck.

1/16/2007 8:19 AM  

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