Sunday, December 24, 2006

'Twas the day before Christmas

...and all through the house, the coffee was brewing, and gone was the mouse.
Okay, I'll stop there to avoid the unpleasant memories. My kitchen now smells like coffee with chocolate amaretto. End of story.
We're about done with the wrapping, and all done with the shopping. Tonight we'll go over the river and through the woods to Grandma's for a delicious Christmas Eve dinner, and then come home and hang the stockings. In the meantime, we'll watch some unimportant (not Packers) football, nibble on some cookies, and take some time to search our favorite holiday web sites.

Has Santa left the North Pole yet? Find out exactly where he is by checking NORAD's Santa Tracker. This site updates once an hour, so keep checking back.
Want to check weather radio anywhere in the USA, or even the world? Click here, then try the transmitter for the North Pole location. (Falalalala!)

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