Sunday, December 31, 2006

An Open Letter to Chicago Bears Fans

Enjoy. You've waited a long time for a Division Championship.
You have more in common with us than you might realize. We in Packer Country enjoy our Green and Gold through thick and thin, and we appreciate loyalty in others as well. Those who are jumping on the Bear Bandwagon just this season will not have the deep-seated joy of those who waited faithfully, wearing their blue and orange hearts on their sleeves (and their Christmas trees).
Your last Glory Years were quite a while ago. This generation of Bear Fans might only know of Mike Ditka, Jim McMahon, or Refrigerator Perry the way we Northerners remember Vince Lombardi, Ray Nitschke and Bart Starr. Now you can teach them a whole new set of names and numbers.
I'll be cheering for the Pack tonight and wondering if this is it for Brett Favre. But no matter how it ends, with a celebratory beer and burger or drowning my sorrows the green and gold way, it'll be a Whole New Year with a whole new set of playoff teams.
And win or lose, I'll keep saying, "Hey, Bear fans, you've earned this. Enjoy it while it lasts. "
But don't get used to it. Your South-of-the-border dynasty will only be around until Mike McCarthy rebuilds his team. Woo-hoo! Go Pack Go!

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