Friday, November 24, 2006

November has been an interesting choice of months for NaBloPoMo. Election Day (rather dramatic elections!), Thanksgiving Day and preparations for it, and now, Black Friday. Shiver, Shudder.
I'm not a big crowd shopper. The only store I will visit today is the grocery store where Amigo and I will ring a bell for the Salvation Army's Red Kettle Campaign. I made a contribution to the cause and the craziness, though. I helped feed the boys. Um, the young men. You know the type: the kids, er, college students camping out in the parking lot of the big box electronics store last night. They were in their spot, equipped with tent, heater, and other essential equipment, by seven last night. And get this: they were not first in line. Since one of these boys is La Petite's boyfriend and the other is a family friend (and former student of mine), we sent over leftovers from Thanksgiving dinner. La Petite put together a bag full of rolls & sliced turkey for sandwiches, some crackers, and a few assorted other goodies. She delivered the food, hung out for a little while, and then came home to watch late-night TV with her dad.
I'm sure they're home and sleeping now. I hope they got what they wanted to buy. I'm sure they enjoyed the overnight camp-out!

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