Shoulds are bogus: the sequel
The dishwasher should be a luxury, not a necessity.
Reality: For a family with two working parents, it’s a need, not a want. Dishes are low on the totem pole of priorities.
End result: Despite the cost, we replaced the dishwasher this summer.
I should use the minivan less, for both financial and environmental reasons.
Reality: I use the city bus with El Grande occasionally, but I could walk more or ride a bike. I don’t have a bike – yet.
End result: I will buy myself a bike with the money I saved by ending my YMCA membership.
I shouldn’t drink so much coffee.
Reality: I drink too much coffee.
End result: I like it. Don’t sweat it. And my new coffeemaker has a programmable timer -- fun!
I should have watched the entire Packer game last Saturday night.
Reality: It was in San Diego and started at 9:00 p.m. our time.
End result: I gave up and went to bed at halftime. Hey, it’s only the preseason.
Labels: "Shoulds" are bogus, family life

I love dishwasher shopping, it's a good thing you have more choice than we do here across the pond.
In my life, with just the two of us a dishwasher is a must have!
My excuse is with cronic back pain, heavy duty meds I can't stand for too long. Although come to think of it, it a is need:-)
Amazing, isn't it? An item that our grandparents called a luxury is now a necessity.
we went over and over and around this one on the marriage counsellor's couch. She finally told us to "just next time you get money, buy one." And we did. End of argument.
I drink too much coffee too. Oh, and your Bike statement? Hilarious.
Hey, everyone! I did it! I finally bought a bike!
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