Wednesday, August 23, 2006

No more excuses -- I bought a bike!

It's not fancy, but it's solid. Husband and I went to The Man's Mall (you midwesterners, you'll know what I mean) and looked over the fall sale bicycles. Several were in our price range (cheap), so I tried them out for quality. And yes, I do mean I tried them out. The bikes were in an outside display area that had a lot of open space with only a few obstacles -- a kayak or two, a stack of lumber here and there -- so I rode the bike around before I bought it. The price was knocked down by $30, and Husband has been moaning about how his bike is wearing out, so (you knew this was coming) he bought one too! We now have "matching" his and hers bicycles. We were quite a sight, dragging these bikes around the store while we looked for the other things we needed. Fortunately, we had parked the minivan near the store exit, so it didn't take much to get out and load up after checking out.

If you're wondering, I didn't buy a helmet yet. Yes, I plan to get one. I didn't like the selection they had in stock. I have a small head (no comments from the peanut gallery, please), and I'd also like to get a helmet that will accomodate a ponytail. If it's cute I'll post a picture.

Now I can join Da Boys on their evening and weekend rides!

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Blogger Mary said...

His and hers bikes - too cute! Now you and Husband MUST getting matching biking outfits and helmets to go with them. And if you do, then that's a picture you absolutely have to post!

8/23/2006 11:05 AM  
Blogger Amy said...

The Man's Mall? Is that Cabela's? Anyway, congrats on your new bike. Enjoy! (Once you get your helmet, of course.)

8/24/2006 10:48 AM  
Blogger MM said...

I'm so proud of you!!

8/26/2006 2:55 PM  
Blogger Daisy said...

I even bought a helmet now! It feels great to get on it and go.

8/28/2006 9:44 PM  

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