Thursday, July 06, 2006

Quiz answers for Independence Day

1. Which patriotic song contains these lyrics:"...thine alabaster cities gleam, undimmed by human tears." Hint: the same verse contains these lyrics as well: "Oh, beautiful, for patriot dream, that sees beyond the years..." Answer: America the Beautiful. This verse always takes me back to September 11, 2001, and the damage done to our "alabaster cities".
2. Francis Scott Key wrote his poem, The Star Spangled Banner, during a battle in which war? Hint: The young upstart United States was fighting the big bad British -- again. Answer: The War of 1812 (Does this war even get mentioned in British history books?)
3. Name the famous speech that ends in these words: "...that government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth." Hint: The president who gave this address was a talented speaker and debater. Abraham Lincoln delivered these words as closing for his brief but memorable Gettysburg Address.
4. Julia Ward Howe wrote new words to the song "John Brown's Body". It became this well known Civil War song. Hint: you've probably sung it, or at least the refrain. Answer: The Battle Hymn of the Republic (go ahead, sing it: Glory, glory hallelujah!)
5. Which well-known composer wrote "The Stars and Stripes Forever"? Hint: All piccolo players know the piece, and you may recognize his initials, JPS. All piccolo players and low brass players know the name of the prolific march composer John Phillip Sousa.

6. Can you name the patriotic song that Fozzie Bear sings as he and Kermit are driving cross-country in the Muppet Movie? Hint: Fozzie sings this as he and Kermit drive across America admiring the spacious skies and majestic mountains and the changing landscapes they see. Answer: See number 1 for the answer. Now go rent the movie and enjoy it!

I hope your Independence Day was happy! Ours was. We gathered for a picnic with family, attended a patriotic concert in the park, and watched fireworks together.
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