Thursday, October 28, 2010

Filtrete Water Pitcher; can it break the bottle habit?

I volunteered to test the Filtrete Water Pitcher in the hopes that it might break or at least reduce our family's bottled water habit. I understand that Chuck grabs a water bottle for the convenience of it on the road. But do La Petite and I really need to drink water from these ridiculous bottles around the house? I have a new BPA-free water bottle and an extra that La Petite can claim as her own, and now that I have a Filtrete pitcher we can simply refill the good quality water bottles with filtered tap water.

The big question: will we do it?

The first thing we noticed was the awkward shape and size of the pitcher. It's a little top heavy, making it tough to fit on the refrigerator shelf without moving several items. It doesn't fit in the door. Chuck (yes, he's giving it a good try!) mentioned the top-heavy shape made it a little uncomfortable for pouring.

The filtered
pitcher is definitely more economical than buying bottles. I can replace the filter every three months (there's a little button on the top that will remind me when it's getting old), and the pitcher itself will last for years. I wish I had tried this out in the summertime when I was weeding and pruning outside, a water bottle by my side. But wishes aside, I really like the concept that I can get cold, tasty water without spending a bundle and using piles of plastic with limited recycling capabilities.

So, you ask, is it working? So far, so good. Chuck still grabs a plastic bottle or two on his way to work, but I have a new BPA-free bottle on my bedside table filled with filtered water. If I don't drink it all, I water the plants. I'm actually drinking more water now that it's so convenient; reaching for a glass and filling it takes no time at all. The downside is still the size and shape of the pitcher; only time will tell if the convenience, pennywise nature, and the eco-consciousness of it will overrule the refrigerator space issue.

Need more information? You can follow Filtrete on Twitter (@FiltreteWater) or "like" them on Facebook. Filtrete also has an email newsletter to which you can subscribe. Just check out their web site.

I wrote this review while participating in a blog campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Filtrete and received the water pitcher to facilitate my candid review. The review is up today, but the pitcher will stay in my refrigerator for a long, long time.

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Blogger Flea said...

Huh. We used a Brita pitcher for a long time. I Won't use anything but filtered water for coffee, so it has its advantages, the pitcher. Now my fridge dispenses filtered water. I hope this works for you!

10/28/2010 7:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm....tricky. Can you be proactive and pre-fill the family water bottles and have them handy in the fridge for morning grabbing? Just a thought...Awkward pouring means less compliance.

10/28/2010 9:41 AM  

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