Sunday, July 26, 2009

Shopping 'till your husband drops

Shoe shopping. I enjoy it, La Petite loves it. Husband tolerates it; Amigo hates it. I handled shoe shopping with both boys recently. With Amigo it was enter the store, go directly to the dept., try on two pair, choose the best, checkout, leave. Immediately. Grumpy teenager and tolerant- going-on-grumpy mom survived again.

Husband was similar. He tried on a few pair, chose the pair that worked and fit, then got ready to check out. I managed to walk him through another department so I could get some cloth napkins on sale, and then we checked out. We had success on both counts: picture below.

Imagine my surprise when we were in a Nordstrom Rack store looking for a wallet and he voluntarily walked into the shoe department and picked up a colorful pair of Converse All Star sneakers! La Petite is a connoisseur of Chuck Taylor ("chucks" in her words), and he thought it might be fun to wear "cool" shoes.

Husband? Trying on shoes? Voluntarily? By choice? I had to sit down. Then I pulled out the camera to document the occasion. Maybe I should stop calling him Husband and rename him - Chuck! What do you think, dear?

He bought them. Yes, she was surprised. She was a little impressed, too. She should be: at 22, she's influenced her father's wardrobe! Now if I can keep her from nominating me for What Not to Wear....

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Blogger Debbi Andersen said...

LOL thats funny! ya my hubby only gets "colorful" if the stripe happens to be a different color lol

Great post!

7/26/2009 9:21 PM  
Blogger Earth Muffin said...

Love the shoes! We're fans of Chucks around here too. Mr. EM has a pair of purple tie-dyed ones. Big M. favors the One Stars and Little M. has recently grown into his big brother's old high top navy blues. I'm between pairs myself right now. I've been sporting some vintage purple corduroy Kangaroos.

And the orange patterned cloth napkins are ADORABLE!

7/27/2009 1:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you put a little "punch" in his shoe wardrobe!
A good day shopping is always a blessing--especially when you find what you're looking for.

7/28/2009 8:27 AM  

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